Adventure Time!

Well, not so long ago, I got bored of my castle (which still hasn't got a name) and the underwater ravine, so I decide to go back to my first house, which is the actual main base, and then to the spawn point base (photos), and I remember the massive chunk error next to it that created a huge ocean biome, and I said to myself "Why not?" (in the good way, you nasty-minded people), so I filled my item menu, created a nice sword and armour and here I am! Ready to discover new awesome chunks of terrain in Minecraft andlive some new adventures!


Wikipedia defines a dictatorship as an autocratic form of goverment in wihch the goberment is ruled by an idividual, the dictator.
There has been dictators since the Roman Empire was created, and possibly, that was the only dictatorship that didn't have bad consequences. Except of the roman dictators, any of the next dictators have brought with them benefits during their dictatorships. Almost of all the dictatorships has taken place during the past century, in the time of World War II and the post war. We all possibly remember Hitler, the Nazi leader; Franco, el Caudillo; Kim Il Sung, the "Dear Leader" of North Korea; Castro, "el líder de la revolución"; and more! Fortunately, almost of the dictatorships are over, unfortunately, not all of them.
The North Korea inhabitants are suffering the dictatorship of the third dictator in a row, being now Kim Jong-un, grandson of the first dictator, the "Dear leader" of North Korea. To be historical, Korea was separated in 1948 during the Cold War, being South Korea occupied by the USA, and North Korea by the URSS, and Kim Il Sing started its dictatorship. Two years later, North Korea, supported by China and the URSS attacked the south and started the Corean War. Thanks to the presence of USA in South Korea, it wasn't conquered. After three years in war, the war arrived to a dead point, and both sides stopped attacking, and the demilitarized zone of Korea was create, but no peace treaty was signed. However, that wasn't the worst of all that mess. The worst came when Kim Jong-Il, the second dictator, who did die a few weeks ago, got the power after the death of his father in 1997. During its dictatorship the economy decreased incredibly fast and since then famine is all over the country, and has killed thousands. And when he died, the people who didn't cry his dead were put in jail because of order given by his son, the new dictator, Kim Jong-un.
This is the only dictatorship now on Earth thankfully, as Gaddafi, the dictator of Libia, was finally Killed by the  Rebel Group last year, after forty-one year of dictatorship and making the country to suffer; and Castro abandoned the presidency of Cuba four years ago, but unfortunately he still has power in the country.
As most people say, they deserve a bullet in the head, but no one has the guts to do it.