Do you think "El Pep" should continue training Barça?

Pep Guardiola, an ex-football player ant current Barça coach, says that he wants to finish his career as a coach and retire completely. the question is, after four years on the top and achieving to be one of the best football coaches in the world, should he retire?
Most people consider him the best coach Barça has ever had, and if not the best, the second. SO these people think that he should stay a few years more, making both, him an the club, more successful.
On the other hand, some people think that he has done a lot for the team, has already won lots of titles and shouldn't take the risk.
What I think of this is that you actually can't say that a person is  a good coach just because the team he trains wins most of the matches they play, because you can be a very good coach but the payers could be the worst in the world, so your club would loose the matches.In my opinion, he shouldn't take the risk and leave.

Flatland - Book Review

Information about the book
Author: Edwin A. Abbot
Published in: 1884
Genre: fantasy, science 

We live in a world in three dimensions, but, have you ever imagined a world with just two dimensions - length and width?
This is the case of Flatland, a world extended only in the X and Y axis, a world where the living beings are geometrical figures, such as lines, squares, pentagons, circles and others, a world completely different from ours, a world where the existence of the three-dimensional world is unknown - until now.

[Spoilers begin here]
Book Summery
A. Square, an inhabitant from Flatland who is now in prison, first tells the reader the characteristics of his world: why there are so many geometric forms, how the hierarchical system is, how do they see each other, etc., to secondly tells us how he ended there. He tells how "ignorant" he was, not believing in the third dimension, and how, during the end of the second millennium of his age, he first had a "vision" of Lineland, the world of one dimension, during a dream, and how he tried to explain to the king of Lineland the second dimension, and how he is unable to do it, calling the king an ignorant. that same day, during the evening, he receives the visit of what he thinks that is a "circle", the most important figure in his world. Then the "circle" tells him that he is a circle composed by infinite circles, or in others words, a sphere. The sphere, as A. Square tried to do with the king of Lineland, tries to explain him the world of three dimension, obtaining the same result as the square. In the end, A. Square calls him "devil", and attacks him, ending "stuck" in the sphere. The sphere ask the square to stop making pressure so he could go, but he doesn't so the sphere goes up and takes the circle to the third dimension. After all this happened, the square realised how ignorant he was, and starts calling the sphere "Master". The sphere reveals that he has chosen him to be his "messiah" of the third dimension. He continues explaining the square all the figures in the third dimension, and once he has finished, the square  ask his master to go to the forth dimension. After this petition, says to the sphere not to say nonsenses by saying that there are dimensions above the third dimension. Then the sphere show the sphere the zero dimension: Pointland, where the only inhabitant is a point which takes up the whole dimension, and tells him that it was the last lesson. He then wakes up in Flatland again, being now the year 2000, and tries to explain the people the third dimension, but he is unable, and because talking about the third dimensions is forbidden, he is imprisoned for lifetime.
[Spoilers end here]

Favourite parts of the book

"Upward, not Northward"
I like this sentence because it practically the key word of the book. This sentence is first said by the sphere to indicate the square where to look to appreciate the third dimension. As he has and eye that can only move up and down sideways, he is unable to first understand this sentence, but when he is taken to the third dimension and then he is returned to Flatland, that the sentence he uses to remember the third dimension and to try to explain the people the third dimension.

"Me, me me me me, me me me me me me"*
This is the main sentence of the king of Pointland, who is unable to think in other thing than himself as he takes up everything there. I like it because it is a very funny scene when the King of Pointland appears and he is most of the time saying that.

*Note: this sentence actually belongs to the film, not the book (yes, Flatland also have a film). The rest of the scene is as described in the book, with exception of this sentence, which it is not said,

Applications to everyday life
I think that the main application I can get from this book is to believe what it's further from my sight. By this I mean that you should believe in what you don't see, such as spirits and ghost and all that kind of stuff, or in the forth dimension. I mean, most people think that the forth dimension is time, but mathematically speaking, the forth dimension must be a spatial dimension. I believe it exists, despite I had never seen a real teseract (a cube from the forth dimension), or any other real object from the forth dimension. Or maybe the forth dimension are the Heaven and the Hell, and the forth dimension is composed by spirits. All you need is to believe.

Conclusion and recommendations
To finish this review, I'd like to say this book is a great book, which one hundred years ago started the revolution of the dimension, making mathematicians, physicists, philosophers, ecclesiastics and more people interested in the fourth dimension, as the forth dimension gave the option to some people to explain things such as where we go when we die and others. I definitely recommend this book to everybody who likes mathematics and physics. It doesn't mind that you don'r understand them as the book doesn't use a very complicated vocabulary. It's a fast, interesting and funny reading, and it gives you the possibility to understand how a two-dimensional world could be.

On-line dating - better or worse than traditional dating?

Since the internet was created, our life has changed a lot, including the way we meet new people. We can now log in in a dating web and make plans with someone you have never  seen. The question is: is this new way of dating people better or worse than the traditional ways.
There are thousands of people who do log in daily in this type of website, hoping to meet their "significant other". The reasons they use they use this way instead of the traditional one could be any, going from shyness to ease of dating, passing through cheapness and comfort. Some people are so shy that can't talk face to face to a person after they know the other person as they were best friends. Others, simply thinks it's easier to  find a person you may like by typing his or her characterisrics  in a search bar.
However, on-line dating has its risks. One of them is always present when you start talking with other person, and it is the fact that you don't know who really is the person talking to you at the other end of the chat. His or her profile may say that he or she is 20 years old, blond and 1.70 m tall, when she or he is in fact 54, dark-haired and 1.50 m tall. that's something you don't really know unless you meet him or her in real life.
In my opinion, I think both ways have their fors and against reasons, so the best thing is to use the one you prefer or is more suitable for you, as you may prefer to say some things face to face that other people prefer to say on a on-line chat.

Does your blood affect your customs?

I don't have a very mixed flood, both of my parents are from Seville. However, if I go to previous generation, blood starts getting mixed, making me less Sevillian than I thought I was.

My father's father was from Extremadura, and his wife from the Canary Islands. My mother's mother, or in otehr words, my maternal grandmother, is also from Seville, but his blood isn't Sevillian at all. Her mother was Argetinian, and her grandparents Frech! Also, her father was from Catalonia mixing more her blood, and at the same time mine! Nevertheless, despite of all this blood mixure, my family haven't got a lot of foreign customs. I think, that the only foreign custom we have adopted is Saint Nicholas. The 24th of December we all used to have dinner at my grandmother's house, and after the dinner, the four smallest grandsons she had slept at her house. In the morning, the rest of the family came back to the house so they could get their Christmas gift from under the tree. The other custom I have aren't foreign, they are actually typical Seville. It is Feria, and, to be honest, I don'y go that usally, so I don't really know if i should call it a custom.

To finish, I would like to say that I think that your blood doesn't influence really much on your customs and others, what does really influence is the place you are born and who your family is. I say this because, I've got some French blood, and to be honest, I don't like French.

The Jamaican

In the photo we see a little statue of a Jamaican guy who’s smoking weed. We saw “him” while we were taking part in the cultural Gymkhana. When I say “we”, I refer to my group, composed by Pablo R., María D., me and our Dutch exchange partners, of course. We were looking for a pair of stilts, the typical Dutch shoes, as we had to take a photo of them. The shoes were in the same shop as this guy but, if we hadn't seen him, we would have never stopped in front of the shop and stepped in.
When I see the photo, I remember the enjoyment of the moment, we all laughing seeing the statue, but also the anger I felt when the shop dependant looked at me angrily when he saw that I was taking out my camera from my pocket. He said using a loud voice “No photos, buy something first”. He was in front of me and wanted to take my camera away from my hands. I answered him “Ok, we’ll buy something”. It was Maria who bought some crisps, and then he sat again behind the counter. We didn’t thank him after we go, as we were treated so badly.
We then saw the shoes outside and took a photo of them. In the end, we won a Gymkhana, and all thanks to a Jamaican who was happily smoking weed.