Does your blood affect your customs?

I don't have a very mixed flood, both of my parents are from Seville. However, if I go to previous generation, blood starts getting mixed, making me less Sevillian than I thought I was.

My father's father was from Extremadura, and his wife from the Canary Islands. My mother's mother, or in otehr words, my maternal grandmother, is also from Seville, but his blood isn't Sevillian at all. Her mother was Argetinian, and her grandparents Frech! Also, her father was from Catalonia mixing more her blood, and at the same time mine! Nevertheless, despite of all this blood mixure, my family haven't got a lot of foreign customs. I think, that the only foreign custom we have adopted is Saint Nicholas. The 24th of December we all used to have dinner at my grandmother's house, and after the dinner, the four smallest grandsons she had slept at her house. In the morning, the rest of the family came back to the house so they could get their Christmas gift from under the tree. The other custom I have aren't foreign, they are actually typical Seville. It is Feria, and, to be honest, I don'y go that usally, so I don't really know if i should call it a custom.

To finish, I would like to say that I think that your blood doesn't influence really much on your customs and others, what does really influence is the place you are born and who your family is. I say this because, I've got some French blood, and to be honest, I don't like French.

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